drinking water
best water filters
You cannot see inside the water tank of your
camper trailer or a jerry for that matter, holding what you think is
your safe drinking water. It wasn't until I lifted the lid off our
Safari Can & saw what we were
really drinking, I began to wonder why we had not been crook
before this. Lining the inside walls was a
film of
slim. The jerry had been filled with chlorinated tap water from
home & not used during a weeks trip, sitting in the rack on the
camper trailer for two weeks after in the shed out of the sun.
It just so happened that Colin Hopgood owner of
BEST Water Filters had been invited as a guest speaker during the
CamperTrailers Group's 2012 Wellington national meet. Colin brought
home the importance of having clean drinking water & how easy it was
to achieve.
BEST Water Filters stands for Bacteria
Eliminating Silver Treatment & uses SilverSafe technology, that is
silver coated crystals at each end of the inline filter &
carbon/charcoal in the middle to produce safe drinking water
filtered to one micron. This process eliminates chlorine, chemicals,
odour, sediment & bacteria
such as giardia &
cryptosporidium from town, tank, creek or
bore water.
So why would you want to remove chlorine from the
water going into your tank? After about a week the chlorine will gas
off & you usually end up with a funny taste in the water. The local water
you filled up with usually gets the blame. On top of this the heat
reflecting off the road could be enough to encourage the rapid
growth of bacteria to a level that your body isn’t happy with.
Putting clean reliable potable water in your tank first up is a good start.
The BEST Water Filter is useable for 5000 litres
plus. This is based on the filter being fixed inline & removing
chlorine at the maximum allowable level, however the full level of
chlorine rarely happens. Sometimes there isn't any in the town water
supply & none if you are filling from a rain water tank or stream.
If you put the 5000 litres into perspective, a
person drinking two litres of water per day travelling on the road
full time, works out at 730 litres per year. A major feature of the
filter is it can be back flushed. You simply turn the filter around,
flush & reconnect in the opposite direction. Regular back flushing
prevents dirt compounding one end & extends the life of the filter.
Also an advantage when travelling is the loosely packed carbon is
shuffled around exposing a fresh surface of carbon for contaminants
to become attracted to.
filling your
tank A camper trailer water tank is mostly
used for drinking water. You simply connect the BEST Water Filter
inline when filling the tank so you know the water is safe for
drinking. Often jerry's are used for other water uses such as
washing up, showering or clothes washing.
built in
If you have two water tanks &/or a number of
jerry's, you could place the BEST Water Filter inline to an outlet
via a 12volt pump. This gives you the option to use any tank &
prolong the filters life as it is filtering drinking water only &
not all the water when filling a couple of tanks if you are remote
camping for a period of time.
A hand or foot operated water pump does not have
enough force to push water through the one micron filter. A 12volt
pump is needed to produce approx 35psi.
Another option is to recirculate the water
from your tank via a 12volt pump.
connection At a caravan park you can
connect the filter inline directly to the towns water supply.
fill your tank with
322h |
built in with 322t |
recirculation with
322h |
direct connection
with 322h |
There are a number of end connection options to
suit your own situation.
Supplied with standard hose connections
Supplied with brass hose connections
Supplied with Hoselink hose connections
half inch threaded ends & mounting clips
After using the BEST Water Filter to fill our 60
litre water tank & three jerry's over the last six months we are
very happy knowing the water is safe to drink wherever we happen to
fill it.
For more details please check the BEST Water
Filter website at
article by Rob
may 2013