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Rotronics Parallel Battery System



what's on the camper trailer scene



rotronics parallel battery systems



    Rotronics has released a new range of 12 volt parallel battery management and 2 stage charge systems. These are Australian made and a fairly complex product.


standard features

  • 8mm bolts to connect the charge cables
  • Internal assisted alternator protection – assist in protecting the alternator from high current overloads and excessive overheating. Alternator overload damage is not covered by the vehicle warranty.
  • The main charge cables for the charge isolator are protected by heavy duty fusible links in the event the cable shorts to the vehicle body i.e. body panel is crushed or vehicle accident.
  • Spike protected – to protect the vehicles computer and or fuel injection system.
  • Winch compatible monitor – The winch is connected and or fuel injection system.
  • Winch compatible monitor – The winch is connected only to the auxiliary battery. The winch select switch on the monitor activates the winch power supply and isolates the auxiliary battery from the alternator to protect the alternator from overheating and damage. Alternator overload damage is not covered by the vehicles warranty.
  • Internal control relays includes dust intrusion covers for protection for 4WD off road conditions.
  • Vibration and splash proof sealing protection – of the internal charge/ isolator for 4WD off road conditions.


parallel protection

    The parallel systems connects the auxiliary battery to the main battery when the alternator is charging i.e. both batteries are recharged in together. The main battery and the auxiliary battery are isolated when the engine is turned off.

    Parallel charge/ isolators provide an average time to recharge the auxiliary battery.



information supplied by Dynamic Solar Solutions



february 2009