camper trailers tech tips

tent peg pullers





tent peg pullers


There are a few things you can make yourself that makes little jobs around camp a whole lot easier like this handy tent peg puller. If you haven't got anything at home to make it from, try a long tent peg from the camping shop. The handle must be wide enough to fit your hand. The hook not bent too far so you can slip it into the pegs top at ground level.

Draw your intended shape onto the garage floor & use this as a template to bend the long peg in the vice with a hammer. Can't weld it yourself? Drop down to the local servo or muffler shop. They'll do it for you for a small fee.


Barry & Margaret's Hillbilly tent peg puller uses a lever action to remove hard to budge pegs.




 Steve & Julie's Trak Shak combination Hammer & puller tool.



Lloyd says he keeps his tent peg puller inside the camper out of the weather.



Alan says, this one came with our camper, having been made up by the previous owner.  Specially made for the V shaped metal pegs and works very well with them. Thanks to Alan for the photo.


Paul's DIY peg puller. Thanks to Kate for the photo.


An easy homemade peg puller.




The Coleman WakJak is a mallet to drive pegs in & also has a very handy and easy to use mini impact hook that retracts into the handle. I've been camping for over 50 years now and this is the best little tool I've seen come on the market.   Barry Taylor



tent pegs

   Camper trailer owners are an innovative lot & will adapt or create things as conditions arise. 


This is a photo of one of our 4 'storm' pegs that we carry for abnormal conditions - 3 of them also make a pretty fair winching strong point.  They were cut from a star picket. Alan & Kathy



Ian Wilkin's peg design for hard ground.




Tanya from Albany in Western Australia utilises cut down star pickets as they suit the sandy conditions and don’t tend to snap like the plastic ones.



by Rob