Packing up wet

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Packing up wet

Post by woodchuckwhocould » Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:56 pm

Looking around at the myriad options for our first camper, I read ... r-trailer/ in which the author complained how packing up their camper trailer wet would cause wet bedding. Is this problem endemic to canvas camper trailers of all kinds, or are some designs less prone to this? What kinds of things do you do to prevent water leaking through the canvas while packed up after rain?

Us & The Dogs
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Re: Packing up wet

Post by Us & The Dogs » Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:45 am

We have a hardfloor, but if it has rained the morning of packup, we just use another tarp, to cover the bedding. Either those poly blue's or the silver one. Get one big enough to wrap around the mattress as well. I use an 8x10 foot one. Everyone does this. Also if you go for a soft floor, as we had also done early on, have a spare tarp to put down on the ground, underneath the soft floor of the camper , keeps it from getting dirty and muddy, and also helps keep it from getting holes in floor from sticks and burrs. never once did we ever get a hole in the floor using aground cover.

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