Camper Trailers Tech Tips

kitchen stove splashback






kitchen stove splashback


    On our recent trip I felt the heat coming off our stove on the Outback Camper Trailer rear tailgate shelf. It was a bit too warm for the canvas, so I thought I'd make something to protect the canvas from the heat. I suppose you could call it a splash back for the camper trailer kitchen stove.

    Materials used was a sheet of aluminium 900 x 300, 2 x 90 degree hinges, pop rivets, thin strips of aluminium for bracing and about one hour of my time. Total project cost no more than $22. I bought the majority of the items from Bunnings. The sheet of aluminium has a ripple effect for extra enjoyment.

    After I had finished the splash back it blew over onto the stove in only a slight breeze. I then braced it using a thin piece of aluminium strip bent to shape secured by pop rivets.

    No person was injured while putting this project together.

Thanks to Con for sharing this idea


finish product the brace the brace
up into position folded ready for storage folded down


december 2008