camper trailers tech tips

Treg Hitch Aligner






Treg Hitch Aligner

handy DIY item when hitching up single handed

  The thing that keeps amazing me is the eternity of camper trailer owners coming up with a simple idea to solving a problem either on their camper trailers or vehicles or to make camping easier.  It is also all the better when it is a DIY project made up with little or no cost.

  There are devices available on the market to help align a ball coupling when backing up to hitch the camper single handed . These have a V plate that slips behind the ball & aligns the coupling directly over the ball ready to wind the jockeywheel down & lock in the hitch.

  Most off road hitches have a pin which connects the two parts of the coupling so the V plate is useless. Kevin came up with an idea to help him align his Treg Coupling when he is hitching up by himself.

  It consists of 2 pieces of 20mm X 1500mm (OD) PVC grey conduit. The end section of the conduit which fits into the hitch needs to be filed down about 1mm to fit the holes.

  This DIY project takes about 30 minutes to complete & costs about $2.

in position

from the drivers seat

Thanks to Kevin Davis for supplying the information for this article

 may 2007